We are Specialist in
Design and Manufacturing

Bright Tech Automation is a company incorporated with Register of Companies and Ministry of Industries and Commerce in India.Established during early 2015 by a team of professionals possess vast experience right from Conceptualizing, Designing, Manufacturing, Install, Commission, Prove-out and after sales support of Special Purpose Automation systems for Cutting and Welding processes.

Standard equipments includes, CNC Cutting machines, Linear welding systems for Precise Thin sheet welding, Welding Positioners, Welding Rotators, Column and Boom, Side Beam Carriages, Turn Tables, Torch Manipulating devices, Specially designed and developed machines for PEB Beam welding line, Heavy Beam welding line, Pump Case Welding systems, Robotic weld stations and many more are designed and manufactured to set benchmark in the automation industry.

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